Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A democrat is investigating unexplained withdrawals by the U.S. from the fund which should be accumulating Iraq's oil money for reconstruction work. As if profiting from destroying the country and then again from reconstructing it wasn't enough for Bush's mates, they seem to be taking money directly from the source.

Monday, July 19, 2004

An article on how it is like to have been born with no sense of smell.
Slavery shame blights Brazilian interior.

Friday, July 16, 2004

About short short stories (a la Scliar).
An article in The Guardian about the myth of Ernesto Che Guevara, my namesake.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

The life-story of a Pulitzer prize winning author who was once homeless and now, at 53, published his first novel to great acclaim.
An article about the British and French honours system (Knighthoods and the like). O Brasil também tem, mas é muito menos conhecido do público. Aliás, existe até uma Academia Brasileira de Ciências...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

De volta ao Canada, depois de duas semanas em Paris.

Ate 2020, poluicao em Sao Paulo deve custar aos cofres publicos R$5 bilhoes, para tratamento de doencas causadas ou agravadas pela poluicao. Para se ter uma ideia do problema, isso corresponde a 9 vezes o orcamento de Saude de SP.